About us

The story behind how our company was founded

What our clients say

Hear directly from the brands we've helped scale and succeed.

"Game Changer Agency"

Working with Clovr Marketing has been a game-changer. Their team truly understands the fashion industry and delivered creative solutions that grew our brand’s presence faster than we could have imagined.

Experienced 10x Growth In Revenue Within 6 months

“One of a kind service”

Thanks to Clovr Marketing, we’ve seen incredible growth in just a few months. Their data-driven approach and personalized service made all the difference. Highly recommend!

Solitude Studios
Sold Out First Drop Within A Month Of Working With Clovr

“The best service”

Clovr completely transformed our online presence with a stunning, user-friendly website. Their team not only designed a beautiful site, but also optimized it for conversions.

Transformed Conversion Rate With Custom Website Design By Clovr